Malaysian Palm Oil Council


Is palm oil trans-fat free

Yes, palm oil is less saturated than butter and does not contain any trans fats naturally. 

Trans fats content in human food is menacing to human health. Humans, by nature, want to try new things and flavors. The same is the case for food.   

Simultaneously, it is essential to ensure that the quality and quantity of food taken must not add adverse effects on our health. The high saturated fats content in palm oil and its trans-fat-free property increases the worth or use of palm oil in place of other vegetable oils.                                             

TRANS FAT AND ITS EFFECTS:                                                                                                               

Palm oil possesses a relatively low level of dietary trans fats. The high content of trans fats in food accounts for adverse effects on the human blood and heart. Fats cause obesity, which in turn is responsible for the production of cardiovascular disease. 

These diseases occur due to the formation of plaque in the arteries caused by the deposition of fats. It results in arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis leading to death.             


Hydrogenation is the property of adding hydrogen, which causes the cooking oil to solidify and become saturated fats. But they contain no trans-fat. 

Partially hydrogenated oils are less firm and have dangerous artery-inflaming trans-fat. But this property of hydrogenation is not seen in palm oil, and it favors a minor production of trans fats in palm oil. 

Palm oil also contains less linolenic acid, which is highly susceptible to oxidation during frying.  Therefore, unlike oils with high polyunsaturated fatty acids, palm oil is preferred for frying activity.            

2- LIPOPROTEIN CHOLESTEROL DENSITIES:                                                                                 

Another disadvantage of having trans-fat in edible oil is that it intensifies the (bad) low-density lipid cholesterol level. Simultaneously, it lessens the level of (good) high-density lipid cholesterol, which has detrimental effects on health, especially on human cholesterol levels, which must be maintained. 

Palm oil which is not partially hydrogenated, is used instead of other vegetable oils and shows stability during the constant frying action.                                                                          


Linolenic acid in palm oil favors side reactions, i.e., polymerization, oxidation, and hydrolysis. The negligible content of linolenic acid in palm olein makes it a suitable item for frying. It causes the degradation of frying oil and adversely affects the quality of fried food.                                                                        


Palm oil comprises two fractions: liquid oil, i.e., Olien, and a hard part that is Stearin.  Thus, it makes it a highly versatile vegetable oil in various food applications, mainly frying. Stearin plays the leading role in frying, giving us a trans-fat-free fried product.                                                                                                                                            


Trans-fat has severe implications for our health in the form of plaque formation and heart diseases. For maintaining human health, we must keep in mind the quality of food intake. 

Palm oil, along with other benefits, also proves to be helpful in food. Its composition makes it trans-fat-free, which, if taken in excess, causes serious complications.

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