Malaysian Palm Oil Council


Oil palm plantations can reduce floods

Soil erosion Can be avoided by Palm Oil Trees:
The roots of palm trees have very unique features ,when it opposed to certain other tree species .
Because of its extensive root structure, the palm oil tree is used to prevent mudslides and soil erosion.
Palm trees can greatly reduce soil erosion and boost the groundwater. These trees have the potential to
play an important part in water conservation. It eliminates soil erosion since the root systems of these
plants will keep the soil in place and protecting this from raindrop smash effects and irrigation return.
These plants cover prevents the soil from erosion by reducing drainage and rising water penetration into
the soil particles. Plants cover and restore the soil with their roots, and their foliage reduces the intensity
of wind and rain. Furthermore, vegetation may serve as a physical barrier, influencing sediment
movement at the soil surface.
Satriawan, Fuady, and Mayani conducted a soil erosion reduction trial in 2017. They grew a 1-2-year-old
palm tree on such a 15-40 percent slope in 10mx5m landslide patches. According to the findings, palm
tree plantations will minimize the risk of surface runoff, soil erosion, and micronutrient deficiencies. In
2017, Alaguraj stated that the palm oil tree not only preserves water supply, but also serves as a host to
birds and animals and also can withstand water shortages. Planting palm trees along the shores of
watercourses can serve to mitigate soil erosion.
Flooding Can be avoided by Palm Oil Trees:
The possible devastation and infrastructure as a consequence of climate change such as flooding
triggering landslides in Asia’s coastal and hilly areas is growing. This is attributed to increased human
influence for commercial and construction growth, which is helped by badly developed roads and
geosynthetic erosion. Since science experiments have now demonstrated their functions in reducing
landslides, it is critical to analyze the functions that rainforests can play in avoiding landslides.
As far as concerns about Palm trees that how can be these plants are better to avoid flood as compared
to some other trees. These are normally water loving and drought-resistant, sustained flooding may
prevent cultivation, resulting in overripe fruit and reduced oil quality. According to specialists, Palm trees
serves as a flood shield and also deter soil erosion, lowering sediment in waterways and rising water
absorption into the earth. Which delays the runoff of rainwater into flooded waterways, lowering extreme
flood levels. Palm plant roots penetrate deep into the ground and establish gap around soil particles as
they expand. Whenever it rains in the mountains, the water that runs downstream is dumped into the
vacuum provided by the plant’s root system. As a result, the likelihood of flooding is significantly

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